
written report中文什么意思

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  1. These skeptical scientists wrote reports that sounded more like fiction than fact .
  2. I spent from 7∶20 to 9∶30 a.m. with the president, giving him a detailed account of events and my long written report .
  3. Can write report and proposal in english independently
  4. Provide daily / weekly / monthly written reports
  5. She gives us an oral report instead of a written report


  1. a written document describing the findings of some individual or group; "this accords with the recent study by Hill and Dale"
    同义词:report, study


        written:    adj. 写成的,书面的;笔记的,成文的。 A writ ...
        report:    vt. 1.告知,报告,汇报;报导(新闻、调查结果等); ...
        written police report:    警察书面报告
        written report of assets evaluation:    资产评估报告书
        a written will:    书面遗嘱
        to be written:    待补
        written:    adj. 写成的,书面的;笔记的,成文的。 A written application 书面申请;申请书。 A written contract 书面契约,章程。 A written examination 笔试。 Written language 书写语言,书面语。 Written law 成文法。 A written will 遗嘱。
        written by:    防写口; 写作由
        written test; written examination:    笔试
        by report:    据传闻
        it report:    信息产业报道
        report:    vt. 1.告知,报告,汇报;报导(新闻、调查结果等);发表,公布,发表公报。 2.传达(人的话);转述;传说,传闻;品评。 3.记录(讲演等以备发表)。 4.(向当局)报到(等);揭发,告发(某人不法行为等)。 It is reported that .... 据说…,据传…。 He was reported killed. 据说他已阵亡[被杀]。 reported speech 【语法】间接引语。 be badly (well) reported of 名气坏[好]。 move to report progress (以防碍议事为目的而)提议中止讨论。 report oneself 报到,到差;出席。 report progress 报告经过。 vi. 1.报告,呈报,回报 (on) 作报告,打报告,就…提出报告 (on upon)。 2.(新闻记者)采访,访问,通讯,报导。 3.报到,到差。 report for duty 报到,上班,上工。 report for the Times 担任泰晤士报的通讯记者,给泰晤士报写通讯。 report to at 到…报到;到校,上学。 report to the police 向警察报告。 n. 1.(调查、研究后的)报告(书) (on); (政府机关等的)公报;(学校的)成绩报告单;(报纸等的)通讯,报导。 2.【议会】记录;速记;【法律】〔pl.〕审判记录;意见书;(给上级法院的)申请书,案件[判例]汇编。 3.传说,传闻,社会上的评论,名气,名声。 4.响声,爆炸声,枪炮声。 idle reports 无根据的传说。 a matter of common report 大家都知道的传闻。 The rifle went off with a loud report. 枪砰的一声打了出去。 a report on 关于…的报告。 as report has it [goes] 据说。 have a good [bad] report (学生)成绩好[不好]。 make report 报告(调查结果等)。 of good report 名声好的,评价好的。 The report goes [runs, has it] that .... 据说,据传。 through good and evil report 不顾毁誉褒贬;不管名声好坏。
        report on:    报告;汇报(某事); 就……提出报告
        report to:    报导,报告; 向谁汇报
        report(to):    向…报告
        a written contract:    书面合同
        a written defence:    书面答辨
        a written petition:    一张白纸告亲夫
        agreement-as-written:    书面协议
        also written:    八寒地狱
        be written in haste:    仓促而成
        data written:    填写日期
        date written:    写成日期
        dispense as written:    按医嘱配药
        graph=written:    表示书写



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  6. written report of assets evaluation 什么意思
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  8. written request 什么意思
  9. written request for a battle assignment 什么意思
  10. written request for leave 什么意思


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